jana banana

February 15, 2011


Filed under: mess of the day, moseley — Jana @ 11:53 am

Remember back on Valentines day when Moseley decided to write me a love note?  In fuchsia sharpie.  On my table.

That was so… sweet.

p.s.  Now I am going to write a love note.

Dear Magic Eraser,

I love you.  You have saved my A about a million times.  You do take the finish off of things a little bit, but it’s better than having Sharpie on all surfaces of my house.



p.p.s.  No I did not use a magic eraser to clean off the marker on Moseley.  While tempting, we have all gotten THAT email forward at least five times.

p.p.p.s. This one was not my fault, I always keep all the sharpies up in a high cupboard,  plus it wasn’t even that I was sleeping or something and wasn’t watching him, I was 5 feet away when it happened.  That marker walked out of the cupboard and presented itself to that 2 year old.  At least, that’s the only conclusion I can come up with, since NOBODY else in the house seems to know where he got it. ;)


  1. Dear Sharpie Owner, ie, Jana,
    I love you too.
    Magic Eraser. (haha)

    I love the note Lee wrote for Carmen! Very nice.
    I’m glad you took pictures, because I never did… and I can no longer remember who was guilty of using BLACK sharpie on our Rattan/floral sofa that I loved. I was like a cloud to sit/lay on… I bet if I had pictures, i’d know. So, you’re all off the hook.
    Love, Mom ;)

    Comment by UtahGrandma — March 18, 2011 @ 1:16 pm

  2. Oh that Mose.

    I love that you took pictures, too. My sister gave me an awesome piece of advice about taking pictures of shenanigans. She said she tells her kids that she is going to take a picture so she can show Daddy later because he is going to be SO SAD that they wiped poo all over their face or whatever it was they did. I just made the poo thing up, but it sounds like something that would happen.

    Comment by littleredwren — March 18, 2011 @ 2:42 pm

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