jana banana

November 2, 2012


Filed under: carmen, holidays, Lee, me, moseley — Jana @ 3:25 pm

This month was super fun and festive.  My mom came into town and we took a trip to the pumpkin patch… ya know, like ya do.

We got super gooey and carved up some punkins.

I helped the kids carve, as to not let small children play with knives and such.  Carmen says mr. star eyes here was “super scary!”.

And Moseley’s pumpkin was just a fancy gentleman.

We made the typical holiday sugar cookies for halloween and Carmen took some to her school for the harvest festival.  Apparently they were one of the very few homemade items there.  Kinda sad that nobody bakes anymore.  I really love it.

Then for the big day the kids donned their alice and mad hatter costumes and got ready to go to the trunk or treat.  But not before a little tea party/photo shoot.

Just half a cup if you don’t mind…

Mose was so unbelievably stoked that he got his own cotton candy at the trunk or treat.  And despite the no lighting situation, I love this next picture because of the look on Moseley’s face.

My husband got really amped this year about decorating the trunk… which was nice.  He doesn’t usually give a care about holiday festivities or things like that.  He even got Nightmare Before Christmas going on the dvd player, and won a trophy for best trunk decor (Thanks Tami ;)).

Unfortunately said super cool decorations drained our car battery, and we had to get a jump from the Dobrons.

Later we set out to trick or treat the neighborhood.  Moseley was stoked about the candy, that is until someone jumped out and scared the daylights out of the poor little guy.  I have never heard him scream/cry in fear like that before.  It really tore me up.  I am still totally bummed it happened, although he seems to be over it.  It traumatized me so much I didn’t even get an instagram of his face. ;)

After that Mose was pretty much over it, and just wanted to go home.  Luckily we had already obtained quite a large amount of loot…

Which is making me fatter and fatter every second, one fun sized kit kat at a time.


  1. haha. good post Jana. way to blog. i need to get on that. such adorable kids with killer costumes. and yes – nice job on the trunk Lee. the trophy doesn’t lie.

    Comment by Tami — November 2, 2012 @ 9:13 pm

  2. Your pumpkin patch workers seemed to have fewer prison tattoos than ours. Just kidding, the prison tattoed workers were totally the least scary employees at our carny-operated pumpkin patch.

    And yeah, those sugar cookies are the cutest.

    Comment by happygoshoppy — November 3, 2012 @ 11:18 pm

  3. Awesome Octoberween!!! What lucky kids!! And kudos to Lee! Wow! You two looked great too! Miss you all!

    Comment by Mama Q — November 12, 2012 @ 7:28 am

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