jana banana

July 25, 2007

Freak, I suck at blogging…

Filed under: knitting, me, projects — Jana @ 2:38 pm

I don’t know if I just totally suck at blogging or if my life is really really not interesting, But I have hit a bit of a blog slump. I just don’t have the motivation to sit down and make a meaningful post (it just takes way too long) One of the main reasons I haven’t posted for a while is that I have been finishing the sweater vest for my husband that I started knitting back on like July 1st. I just finished it last night (Yay). So as soon as my husband gets home I will take a picture of it. For some reason I hate having to finish projects that I start…I get like 3/4 into them and just want to throw them in a closet forever. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that as soon as I finish one I can start another. I don’t know what my obsession is with picking out a new project and starting it. It is like the very best part for me. Probably even better than finishing it, because at the beginning you have no idea that you picked out the hardest pattern ever and you have no idea that you will be spending the next month working on some mediocre piece of clothing. In the beginning you still have this picture in your imagination that this sweater will look as good as the one on the model in the book.

Ok, bye… I have to go pick out a new project… after I turn the million tomatoes I have into salsa.

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